ok here are mah ideas
5. doesn't know how to work a gun and ends up shooting himself (a classic)
4. RANDOM IS FUNNY, so just make a guy walking down the street and then make a veicle come out of no-were and hit him
3. You've just been rick rolled
2. make chris brown beat the shit out of some one
1. make some one commite suicide, and right when hes gonna kill himself make another gut save him, and then another thing comes out of no-were
i know i know
somebody is runing in near the stairs of a 83 floor building
he falls down the stairs
and then the stair is under construction so he falls from a high heigth
just to land into a big and pointy statue XD
guess its nearly imposible but hey im just giving ideas XD
lol yea its impossible but hey you never know and im going for a easy to animate idea its gonna be my first movie